Covid-19: an April update
Genoa, 14th April 2020
Dear Clients, colleagues and dear friends,
Following the latest DPCM issued on 10th April 2020, the measures put into place by the Italian Government to counteract the spread of COVID19 have been extended until the 3rd May 2020.
These measures, aimed at protecting the health both of Italian citizens and all those who are in our country at the moment, discipline movement, the way that shops and businesses can open and operate and indicate the behaviour that we must all adopt, each with a sense of personal responsibility. This signifies that restriction measures continue, so movements from your domicile are not permitted unless for essential reasons and, in such a case, you must carry a self-certified permit with you.
Amico & Co operates in total compliance with the current regulations and confirms that shipyard operations continue with reduced activity levels, above all to guarantee essential services and assistance to the vessels and crew currently in the shipyard. In order to protect the health of its employees, clients and suppliers, inside its area Amico & Co applies all of the prevention and safety measures introduced at both a national and local level, amongst which the use of suitable personal protection equipment, the sanitisation of workplaces and work tools and, where possible, the use of remote working.
In particular, the Technical and Sales department and Concierge services are highly reactive and can be contacted by telephone, WhatsApp or email.
We remain at your disposal and trust you are all keeping safe,
Alberto Amico
Executive Chairman, Amico & Co
The evolution of the Italian situation can be constantly monitored here; by clicking on the different regions you can see the breakdown of the data geographically.
Liguria region specific updates can be followed here