Yacht Repairs and Maintenance | Yacht Refit and Repair | Amico & Co

Our company

As average yacht length and volume has grown over the years, so has Amico & Co’s reputation as a full service refit shipyard

The alchemy of refitting

Chairman Alberto Amico takes us back to the motivation behind the yard’s founding.


“One spring day many years ago, my father took me along to the shipyard where he worked. The yard was extremely untidy and, to a young boy, looked both chaotic and dangerous. Our family boat – an 18m wooden ketch – was out of the water on dry land. When I first saw where the foreman had hauled the boat out onto the hard standing, I stood aghast: surely, only monsters or superheroes could pluck a yacht out of the water like that?

This is where I received my introduction to a world in which highly motivated workers displayed their skills: men totally absorbed in their tasks, silently going about their work. Every so often, they would climb out of the boat and disappear into a workshop, later to emerge with a freshly formed object perfectly crafted to fulfill a specific role on board.”

Yacht Repairs and Maintenance | Yacht Refit and Repair | Amico & Co
Yacht Repairs and Maintenance | Yacht Refit and Repair | Amico & Co


“As the yacht market evolves, we’re dedicated to ensuring we maintain these exacting standards into the future, supporting our clients with all their yacht maintenance and repair requirements.”

“Much has changed in today’s refit shipyard. There are sophisticated machines and magnificent workshops; an extremely efficient management system; precisely written specifications and expert personnel readily available for advice.

However, some things remain reassuringly unchanged from my visit as a boy. Huge vessels still need to be quickly and expertly manoeuvred into tight spaces. Each working day still sees workers dedicated to completing their tasks to the highest standards. Technology allows some of the most challenging tasks to be completed more efficiently, but we are proud that our workforce still retain a genuine passion for what we do.

As the yacht market evolves, we’re dedicated to ensuring we maintain these exacting standards into the future, supporting our clients with all their maintenance and repair requirements.”

Alberto Amico
Chairman Amico & Co

In-house and official service dealers

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