

Flaubert declared that Genoa, Italy’s largest sea port, had “a beauty that tears the soul”. Almost 20 years have passed since Genoa was 2004 European City of Culture and the city has undergone a radical makeover.

Your guide

Created by the Amico & Co team specifically to help crew make the most of our wonderful city and surrounding region, leave your details and you can download our latest Crew Guide from this page.

During the Covid emergency many services may have different opening times and operate pick-up/delivery more than in-house service – do check with Amico crew services or with listed services directly to find out what is on offer that complies with local Covid regulations.

Find out more about our crew services here

Download your guide

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In-house and official service dealers

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Company affiliations

Altagamma Logo Orizzontale vettoriale
Logo Genova for Yachting_WHITE2